Sunday, August 1, 2010

#192 - The Boat That Rocked (Pirate Radio)

The Boat That Rocked was originally viewed by me on November 14th 2009 and was film number 192. The film takes place in 1966 just outside of England on the North Sea during the period that British radio was only allowed to play pop and rock for only 45 minutes a day. The plot of the film specifically follows a teenage boy who is sent to live with these DJs to straighten him out. The film is marketed as a comedy and it works perfectly. The one thing that really hit home for me is that I am a major fan of rock and roll from this error and I believe in freedom of music. Like every film this film has a message tossed into it. That message is said perfectly by Philip Seymour Hoffman's character, The Count, near the end of the film. it is said beautifully in this quote:
"To all our listeners, this is what I have to say - God bless you all. And as for you bastards in charge, don't dream it's over. Years will come, years will go, and politicians will do fuck all to make the world a better place. But all over the world, young men and young women will always dream dreams and put those dreams into song. Nothing important dies tonight, just a few ugly guys on a crappy ship. The only sadness tonight is that, in future years, there'll be so many fantastic songs that it will not be our privilege to play. But, believe you me, they will still be written, they will still be sung and they will be the wonder of the world."
Overall this film is amazing and the only real problem is that there is not much development in the characters. I give the film 4.5/5 stars.

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