Saturday, July 3, 2010

#544 - Reign Over Me

Reign Over Me is a film made in 2007 and it revolves around a post 9/11 world with a man's quest to get over the loss of his wife and family in the World Trade Center incident. The film stars Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle and the film is good. Unlike most of Sandler's films the film is not a full comedic film but it does have some slight comedic aspects to it. The great thing is that Sandler is able to fully act in this very dramatic role of the widower trying to come to terms with the death of his wife and children. The supporting roles by Donald Sutherland and the women who plays Sandler's mother-in-law are also superb but still Sandler takes the cake in this role. I'll admit that there is some comedy in his acting but that's his style but when he needs to be dramatic he is. There are very few problems I picked up on but there may have been some. I give the film 3.5/5 stars.

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