Tuesday, April 6, 2010

#445 - The Chamber

The Chamber is a film based on the novel of the same title by John Grisham. It tells of a lawyer whose grandfather is on death row and he is working the case for him pro bono to get his sentence repealed. It stars Chris O'Connell, Faye Dunaway, and Gene Hackman. O'Connell seems to try and match acting chops with his two co-stars throughout the film but seems to fall short. We never really believe he means what he is saying. Every scene that we see Hackman and Dunaway become focused solely on those two and O'Connell just vanishes from the screen. Finally when it comes to the accuracy of the plot to the novel there does not seem to be any changes in the main plot just some scenes removed for time. I give the film 3.5/5 stars.

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