Saturday, April 24, 2010

#469 - Kick Ass

Kick-Ass is a film that is based on a comic written about four years ago. At the time the comic was being written the comic writer was actually piecing together the script for the movie at the same time. This being the case this film is probably one of the best adaptations of a comic in recent years because it holds so true to the story. It also does not disappoint at all. The movie does however keep to its name it is KICK ASS. To the acting by Cage as Big Daddy, which a scene involving him made me almost cry, to the always funny McLovin' as the Red Mist. The action sequences even had me impressed. Favorite one though had to be Kick-Ass on a jet pack with double Gatling guns. I give this film 4/5 stars for the small changes I would have made that i will not mention (too spoilerish).

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